Hi guys, this time i use english as my article post language. It is about Iptime login IP and what is default password and user name when pop up box requires us to enter password is prompted. Sometimes, when we are using old or second hand Iptime router then it have to be reset, so people asking how to reset iptime user name and password.
Yes, because most foreigners in Korea including me, have difficulties to find hints when try to connect to university LAN internet connection through Wifi, we have to buy a router. Usually Iptime variants such as Iptime N2 or Iptime N3 is most common routers brand in Korea market. You can have TPlink or Dlink whatsoever but most of us have this IpTime brand.
Why do we want to connect to Wifi? Because in some case, on the laptop there is no ethernet port for LAN connection. You have to buy ethernet converter to your laptop, or you can buy router to make the LAN connection goes WIFI.
My Macbook air also does not have the LAN port. So this steps is primarily using Macbook but I think will apply the same steps to different laptops too.
Okay, here we goes. To reset the Iptime router, you have to push about 10 seconds on the reset power button. It is hidden and you have to stick it with paperclip or simcard ejection clip. Push it for about 10 second until router indicators blinked very fast.
After the fast blinked, it is rest to factory configuration already. Don’t forget to plug in power source, and ethernet cable when you are willing to connect to the university LAN connection. There you go, it is reset.
How do we know it is already reset? You cannot find the initial SSID or the name of Wifi connection when you try to connect. It will display “iptime” without password. After reset, connect to iptime wifi. Now we begin to step two, which is login to iptime IP to setting the router immediately.
Write “” on the browser. Make sure you already connected to Iptime. It will go to the page with frame shown below.
Setting Iptime router, Â requires username and password to enter, the Iptime default password and user name are “admin”. Type it both. If it does not works, try to leave it blank.
If it still does not work, you have to clear cache, and sometimes it need to restart the browser. Do again, type “” on the browser.
Check also your iptime router here.
If it succeed, you will find the box and you should clik the Wifi icon to setup your SSID name and password.
Go to the next (it is the right icon), go back is the left icon. Clik next.
Fill in your desire SSID name. In my case, I put “kacaubalau” as my SSID name. Click next again. Checked the WPA to get it password protected. Click next. Checked AES. Next. It will prompt to ask your password. Fill twice. Next. Before that, when it select default wifi, just click next (ignore it to default).
Summary of your setting :
After that, it is setup already. It will prompt the summary and click next again. The router will start to apply the changes. After a while, if it is not finished, just closed the window.
Turn on the Wifi and check whether your SSID is there and connect to it. It will connected but will not have internet access. Don’t worry, we begin the last step.
After connect tou your SSID, click the Open Network Preferences at the bottom. In Window based laptops you can also find another way to get to the connection settings.
By default, it will use DHCP whereas dynamic so every time you connect it randomly assigned different IP Address. Because we want to use designated IP Address from university to individual laptop here in Dorm, change it to “Manually”.
Fill in the IP Address that should you know before. Usually in dorm at Chonnam National University, they put stickers of the information on your IP address, your gateway and your DNS servers. You should know this before.
Okay, fill in TCP/IP settings, your IP address, Subnet mask, and gateway (or router). It should be three columns to fill. After finish, go to the next tab “DNS”. Fill in by click “+” to add new DNS servers. Fill two DNS servers provided by university. Click Apply. Closed the setting window. The internet should be connected right away.
Be advised that the assigned IP Address is only for 1 device, so your smartphone should not do the same steps and have the same IP Address. But if you want to use the smartphone for connection to university internet, it is okay, just do the second step. Set the ip address, subnet mask, gateway/router and DNS serves there. I put the picture ini mobile setting below.

OK guys, that is my experiences how to setup and connect Iptime router, especially those who are seeking information about Iptime default password and user name. Good luck and happy studying at university in Korea, especially those new students of Chonnam National University!
Korean and English in one plate make me suddenly I feel like I am abroad. Hahahaha.
Happy studying in there Mas. Make lot of good thing and writing in there
duh mas unggul yang sudah di Korea, sepertinya huruf latin sudah tidak berguna lagi ya, aku sampe siwer ngebacanya. untung ada terjemahan inggrisnya hehehe
Thankyou for the tutorial Mas Unggul. I haven’t yet setup and connect Iptime router. This information very usefull.
Wow, I never heard about iptime before, I’ll try to understand this post, hehehe. But why you should use ‘kacau balau’ as your name?
hahaha,,, because i was very frustrated could not setup the router and could not find many information on the net!